We came across Mojo Pet Supplements two months ago trying to find some sort of alternative pain management for our senior dogs. Our dogs Bo (15 year old Silky Terrier) and Crystal (12 year old German Shepherd) have been on prescription medications for several years. Bo has terrible arthritis in his neck and has problems with both hind legs. He was on Gabapentin which was the only thing that was deemed safe for him due to other health issues. The Gabapentin did a great job making him comfortable although it did sedate him. I understand he’s no spring chicken at 15 but he lost some of his terrier attitude. Crystal, who we adopted 4 years ago, already as a senior, has the typical aging German Shepherd problems. Her hind end was failing her and it was very upsetting to see her wanting to participate in the things she once loved but she was unable to. Crystal was on Metacam which also did a great job initially; however, Crystal has always had digestive issues on and off. Early this summer Crystal’s health rapidly deteriorated and she began having bloody diarrhea and bloody vomit. We had emergency vet visits and many scheduled check ups to try and figure out what was happening. I was terrified what the answer was going to be but the test results were not totally conclusive. Her condition stabilized but we had to discontinue the Metacam. Trying to find ways to help manage Crystal’s pain we put her on Gabapentin as well as Tramadol to help her sleep through the night. She also lost her sparkle but she was comfortable at least. We were mentally getting ourselves ready to have to say goodbye to our beloved Crystal as her back end was getting worse and what’s the point in keeping her around if she needs to be on that much medication to be comfortable? This is when I came across Mojo Pet Supplements. This was our last resort for Crystal, so we placed our first order! That was two months ago and now both dogs are happy and lively. They were weaned off the prescription drugs and they run and enjoy themselves. Crystal is back at her “job” following me around when I work at the barn and Bo is once again chasing after all the critters smaller than he is. The last two months have been a huge relief for us! Bo has his spunky terrier streak back and he has not been as cranky. Crystal has had no digestive upsets and she is not in pain, she has also been sleeping thought the night comfortably. Since then we have also added beef bone broth to assist with Crystal’s digestive issues and she has just been getting better and better. I firmly believe in Mojo Pet Supplements and I cannot describe how elated I am to have my babies comfortable in their golden years.

Thank you for the second chance,

Whitney, Penny, Bo, Crystal.