Veterinary Health Products (VHP/NN) – Notification Program:
Our new VHP / NN (Notice of Notification) Program from Health Canada / Canadian Veterinary Health products (VHPs) came into effect in 2020 for Mojo Pet Supplements Compliant:
There continues to be an increasing demand for Veterinary Health Products (VHPs) in Canada, such as vitamins, minerals, traditional medicines for companion (pets) and food-producing animals. Health Canada’s Notification Program for VHPs builds on a previous program (i.e. the Interim Notification Pilot Program) and reflects the following guiding principles:
- The mandate of Health Canada’s Veterinary Drugs Directorate (VDD) is to protect human and animal health and the safety of Canada’s food supply. In support of this objective, the VDD sets standards and promotes the safe use of veterinary drugs (including VHPs) administered to animals in Canada
- There is a need to ensure that VHPs are regulated in a flexible and risk appropriate way, in order to minimize the burden on industry and facilitate access to products that may provide additional tools for maintaining health and welfare for animals. For example, many low risk products are used as additional health management tools and may reduce the need to use conventional drugs, including antimicrobials
- Given the safeguards of the Program, including pre- and post-market oversight of VHPs imported and sold in Canada, Health Canada considers it unlikely that a product satisfying all applicable requirements could present a risk to the safety of animals or humans, including food safety. Health Canada takes a risk-based approach when a regulatory non-compliance is identified.
- Finally Mojo Pet Supplements in 2020 received our VHP, Veterinary Health Product / NN# from Health Canada:) As a low risk drug in dosage form to help dogs and cats:)
- Mojo Pet Supplements are used as a daily supplement to maintain or promote the health, as well to help support dogs and cats; joint health and mobility, vitality levels, muscle health, skin & coat, cardiovascular health, immune system, digestion and may promote relaxation.
Rules for VHPs
The Notification Program for VHPs will start when the regulations come into effect on November 13, 2017.
The rules for VHPs require:
- companies who manufacture, package, label, import, distribute and/or store VHPs to follow the Part 3 – Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) in the Natural Health Products Regulations
- that all active, homeopathic and traditional medicine substances used to make a VHP are on List C: Veterinary Health Products
- VHP labels to:
- include the statement “Veterinary health product / Produit de santé animale”
- follow the labelling rules of the Food and Drug Regulations
- include mandatory label statements as described on List C (as applicable)
- companies to notify Health Canada about their VHPs:
- at least 30 days before selling a VHP in Canada
- at least 30 days before making a change to a VHP we have already been notified about in Canada
- before importing a VHP into Canada
- companies to report any serious adverse drug reactions to Health Canada